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The email will be titled Response Required: Please confirm your request for information.
Once you open the email, just click the blue confirmation button then look for a second email with information you requested.
If you have any questions along the way just let me know.
Sincerely –
Bill Burniece
Denver, CO USA
I haven’t made a dime with affiliate marketing, bust my butt with websites, and affiliate schemes and still come up broke, I heard years ago, “If you have a computer, then you should never be broke” but what the hell, I’m still at ground zero. 5 years and still a beginner, What’s step one?
Hi Michael. You can still turn things around. I basically failed my way forward to get where I am today. Please send me an email at bill@highpayingaffiliateprograms.com. I have some suggestions.
I’m in the exact same spot! I’ve had my blog since 2015 and have tried every strategy out there. I’ve only made money writing for other people’s websites and not a dime for my own. It is especially frustrating everytime my blog hosting comes up for renewal. Argh.